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Cambridge Wellbeing Check

Cambridge CEM

Promote positive student wellbeing by clearly understanding how your students feel.

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The Cambridge Wellbeing Check is a simple, student-led assessment that takes about 20 minutes of screen time (it works on desktop, tablet and mobile devices). We designed the test specifically to work as part of existing wellbeing or pastoral care teaching, complementing and enhancing what you’re already doing. It’s not a tool to measure or diagnose a student’s mental health. The reports help all teachers see a complete picture of wellbeing at individual, class and even whole-school levels.

Multiple students can complete the Cambridge Wellbeing Check at the same time. The assessment is flexible and free from paperwork and marking – it even comes with easy-to-integrate follow-up lesson plans.

You can use the Cambridge Wellbeing Check as much as you want or need to over the academic year. We designed an instant wellbeing snapshot to help you track, monitor, and evaluate wellbeing throughout students’ learning journeys, such as in the run-up to exams, starting a new year or school, or any other significant milestones.

It helps you to:

  • Assess students’ day-to-day wellbeing
  • Monitor the times when they might be feeling low, stressed, pressured by exams, or coping with change
  • Teach, explore and evaluate your students’ wellbeing
  • Improve your teaching with actionable reports
  • Help students feel good and do better

You’ll be able to look at each student’s wellbeing over time and see how this changes over the year, allowing you to put targeted support and interventions in place.

Longer term, you’ll also be able to compare groups or classes in your school and identify trends across the four wellbeing focus areas covered in the check.

£3.00 per pupil

To celebrate being Highly Commended by the Teach Secondary Awards, we’re offering the Wellbeing Check for £1 per student (regularly £3 per student)!

Please note: the £1 per student offer is only available to schools based in the UK, existing international CEM schools and Cambridge International schools. Any discounts will be applied at the point of invoicing. This discount is available until 31 July 2025 and will apply to the assessment window 1 August 2024 to 31 July 2025.

Trial Options
1 month

A free trial of Cambridge Wellbeing Check is available for up to five students at one institution.

How The Perse Preparatory School uses the Cambridge Wellbeing Check to holistically support their pupils

Case Study

The school explains how they have used the Cambridge Wellbeing Check to gain a deeper understanding of their pupils’ wellbeing.

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