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Cambridge CEM

A unique insight into early years development

Product Type
Age Range
Early years4-11

Based on years of rigorous research and managed by experts, we identify what skills children really need to ensure success in later life. We help you to understand all of your students’ needs – especially when you might not be able to pick it up from observation alone.

What is ASPECTS?

ASPECTS is a child- and teacher-friendly assessment, designed to help you identify your student’s unique development profile, their strengths, and needs.

A short, story-style interactive assessment, ASPECTS provides you with reliable data to allow your teaching brilliance to come to the fore. Through this assessment not only can you understand and benchmark their development profile, but set them up for a bigger, brighter future from the very beginning.

The benefits of ASPECTS

We believe that there are many benefits to ASPECTS assessment, both short and long term.

Instant insights:

  • Understand every child’s starting point in their journey with you
  • Plan effective support with objective evidence to help your pupil progress
  • Get to know every child in your class better and quicker by enjoying some valuable one-on-one time
  • Set your pupils up for life with this early year’s baseline assessment

Setting up a strong foundation:

  • Help create a high performing school
  • Understand and shape their progress over time with a start and end of year assessment
  • Reflect your students’ needs with learning and teaching plans
£10.10 per pupil
Trial Options
1 month

A free trial of ASPECTS is available for up to five students at one institution.

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