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Hodder Education

Question Bank: Case Study

St Thomas of Canterbury

Age Range

“This is very powerful and the children have really benefited from it.”

What do you use Question Bank for?

We use them to ensure that daily teaching is closely aligned to end of year expectations in all year group and to support teachers to provide high levels of challenge within lessons as part of the children’s daily diet. The key for us is making sure that teaching is underpinned and shaped by accurate assessment.

How often has it been used and by who in your school?

It is used by all teachers every single day as the questions are ‘dropped’ in as checkpoints within lessons. This is very powerful and the children have really benefited from it.

How has it supported teaching and learning?

It has really helped the teachers to carefully structure their teaching and questioning to align with end of year expectations. As a school which is fully committed to a ‘Mastery’ approach to teaching, this regular, short burst use of assessment has been very powerful in terms of spotting and addressing misconceptions and identifying opportunities for greater depth.

Have you used other test banks in the past? If so, how does it compare?

This is much more user friendly, not only for the teachers, but crucially, in its aesthetics for the children.

How easy did you find it to use?

Very easy indeed- the instructions are so simple!

What is the greatest benefit of Question Bank?

Further opportunities for building in rigorous assessment into lessons, supporting children to understand the end of year expectations for their year group, helping teachers to build lessons around regular, small ‘checkpoints’ on progress

Would you consider it value for money? Why?

Exceptional value- a wide range of questions which are easy to access and support high quality teaching.

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