“A flexible performance management system was wanted, so that we could tailor it fully to meet the needs of our academy.”
In 2016, Gary King, Deputy Headteacher of the ISCA Academy visited the BETT show in London. Tasked with finding an electronic performance management system, he explored a range of alternatives. In choosing SchooliP, Gary cited integration as a key selling point.
“All elements of performance management and professional development are centralised in one place. The School Development Plan, Departmental Leadership, Appraisals, CPD and Self-Evaluation are integrated together. Senior leaders; therefore, have a wealth of information to hand that can be quickly analysed in only a few mouse clicks which saves hours of professional time.”
The user friendly and intuitive nature of SchooliP has helped to make life easier for Gary and his colleagues. No longer do multiple spreadsheets and databases have to be collated. Teachers have got their professional portfolio all in one place. Customisation is another element of SchooliP that has been well received by Gary.
“A flexible performance management system was wanted, so that we could tailor it fully to meet the needs of our academy. We were able to specify our requirements and SchooliP was customised accordingly.”
As a software house, we are proud to be able to meet the needs of our customers and make our software bespoke to satisfy our customers. For instance, this can be integrating a school specific lesson observation criteria or Self Evaluation Form format.

In implementing SchooliP, Gary has observed a change in culture at the ISCA Academy.
“Using SchooliP has raised the profile of the Teaching Standards amongst colleagues. Previously staff were aware of the standards, but owing to SchooliP they are now fully embedded in everything we do. This increase in awareness has led to more effective teaching.”

When asked why SchooliP has been so well received by staff at the ISCA Academy, Gary outlined that a reduction in bureaucracy in the appraisal process was an immediate plus point. More importantly there is greater professional trust throughout the Academy.
“Staff want to use SchooliP and are no longer paying lip service to appraisals. They are keen to volunteer information and take complete ownership of their development. Using SchooliP is not seen by staff as another task to do, but a means of documenting their achievements and advancing their development.”
There is a real culture of honesty ingrained in our staff body and the transparent nature of SchooliP supports this. For the ISCA Academy, the introduction of SchooliP was perfect timing. Senior leaders were seeking to enhance performance management and the software enable these plans to come to fruition.